Chương trình, địa chỉ và đề tài Giáo lý tiếng Việt tại WYD 2016 Krakow Balan

 Chương trình, địa chỉ và đề tài Giáo lý tiếng Việt tại WYD 2016 Krakow Balan

VietCatholic Network

Chúng tôi xin thông báo về địa chỉ mới cho 3 buổi Giáo lý tiếng Việt tại Đại hội Giới Trẻ Thế Giới, Krakow, Balan, mà chúng tôi vừa nhận được do Ban Tổ chức gửi.

Dear Animation Group Leader,

The WYD 2016 Catechesis Department kindly informs, that your group P-3042-VN has been assigned to the animation of the following catechesis venue in Vietnamese: Zgromadzenie Służebnic Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego
ul. Garncarska 24
31-115 Kraków
It can receive up to 150 pilgrims.
Click here for Map

The catecheses will take place on the following days:
Wednesday 27th July
Thurday 28th July
Friday 29th July

Catechesis Outline>

31st World Youth Day, Krakow 2016

Catechesis is scheduled to take place on three mornings:
Wednesday 27th July: Joseph VU VĂN THIÊN
Thurday 28th July: Joseph VU VĂN THIÊN
Friday 29th July: Joseph VU VĂN THIÊN

Each session will start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 12:00 noon and observe the following outline:
9:00 a.m.: Preparation (animation team) The young people arrive and are welcomed by the animation team There are songs and prayer (to create a climate of listening and quiet)

9:30 a.m.: Catechesis session (bishop catechist) Liturgical greeting. The bishop is introduced Announcement of the day’s topic Catechesis given by the bishop (around 20 minutes)

10:00 a.m.: Conversation with the young people (bishop catechist with the help of the animation team)1 The young people address questions to the bishop catechist, give testimonies, etc. A song

10.30 a.m.: Break 11:00 a.m.: Mass (presided by the bishop catechist who gives a short homily)2
12:00 noon: End

Please note that there has been a change in the time schedule: The hours of the catechesis are 9 am – 12 pm.
In order to ensure that the young people will have time after catechesis to reach the venues for the afternoon events, the Krakow Organising Committee have brought the time forward and shortened the duration so that the sessions will end at 12 noon instead of at 1 p.m.

Attached you will find a link to the (nonobligatory) WYD song book.
We wish to remind that the animation groups are responsible for providing the liturgy text during the Holy Mass.

Here you are the list of Bishops and their e-mails. Please note that this information will be strongly confidential and should only serve for organizational matters.

In the time of the catechesis there will be the Pilgrimage of Mercy, to which a third of the whole group of pilgrims of each catechesis venue will be assigned.

This does not apply to people directly responsible for the catechesis’ animation. They will be able to attend the pilgrimage in any given time excluding the time of the catechesis.

Please contact immediately the Sisters from the assigned catechesis venue in order to establish the details:

12 422 57 66 internal: 66

The coordinators can be reached via Email in either English or Polish.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Poland!
God Bless you,

Catechesis Department
Phone: +48 572 902 755

During catechesis/World Youth Day events, the animation group is responsible for the content of the performance it renders.
The World Youth Day Committee and its affiliates do not take responsibility for any infringement or illegal use of songs and/or performances committed by the animation groups under copyright.